Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Past, present & future

I'm without a camera for a few days. It's going to be a challenge to blog but I'll give it a shot.

I was lucky enough to have a girls weekend with Lindsay complete with painting our nails and having a Housewives Tarot Card reading. I got this reading online today and I may be a fool but I'm feeling pretty good about my future card given the sort of day Wall Street had yesterday. It was so nice to spend the weekend talking and laughing a lot, thanks L.

Got this photo last week of the mums that are showing up all over now. Little g. is in a touch everything mode. It's a nice way to explore the world.

Had another visitor over the weekend, Flat Stanley. A school project for Lindsay's son that involves taking him places, photographing, journaling and then sending him back. His first stop is here in cyberspace. Say "Hi!" I figured out that he's a football player ready to tackle. I wonder how he's going to feel about going to a princess tea party today? c.

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